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Evaluation of preliminary conclusion from demo run

L. Lind, J.P. Chaves, A. Ivanova, J. Farré, V. Aragonés, M. Pardo, D. Davi, F.D. Martín Utrilla, A. Gil Martínez, J.J. Peiró, C. Madina, M. Santos-Mugica, I. Gómez-Arriola, V. Benjumeda, M. Marroquin


Executive summary
This deliverable, D3.5, presents a post-evaluation1 of the first demonstration activities carried out in CoordiNet’s Spanish demo. It is a sequence to the deliverable “D3.4 Analysis and results of real data from operation (Part 1)” [1] which focuses on the description and results of each test carried out in Demo Run One as well as the calculation of the key performance indicators (KPIs). The present D3.5 aims to discuss the processes carried out in Demo Run One, highlighting the challenges and the lessons learned during the first demonstration activities.
The objective of this deliverable is threefold. Firstly, this deliverable discusses the challenges, successes, and lessons learned from Demo Run One. The objective of this exercise is also to identify possible adjustments that could be made in Demo Run Two and future projects and implementations of the solutions proposed by the CoordiNet project. Secondly, this deliverable presents an analysis of Demo Run One. Three main aspects are focused on, namely the (i) interpretation of KPIs, the (ii) BUC and market implementation and the (iii) customer engagement. Finally, the third objective of this deliverable is to communicate the results from Demo Run One to other CoordiNet tasks using real demonstration data in their respective analyses. This is the case for the overall evaluation of demonstration2, the scalability and replicability analysis (SRA)3 of solutions and the cost-benefit analysis (CBA)4 which will be carried out in Work Package (WP) 6. [...]

Proyecto del IIT: Coordinet (Coordinet)

Entidad financiadora: Comisión Europea. Horizon 2020 – Cooperation / Energy

Fecha de publicación: 28-02-2022


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